2025 Grand Marshal
The 12th annual Asbury Park St. Patrick’s Parade kicks off on Sunday, March 9 at 1 pm and a well-known and much-respected community and environmental activist has been chosen to be this year’s Grand Marshal. Tom Pivinski, head of the city’s Environmental Shade Tree Commission (ESTC) for more than 20 years, is the Grand Marshal.
“We chose Tom Pivinski because of his extensive involvement in the Asbury Park community and his volunteerism. And for the good things he does for our community. He is a good man and has the best interest of our city at heart,” Parade Committee Chairman Garrett Giberson said.
The ESTC has been instrumental in creating and maintaining the city’s 27 gardens, including a food garden, and other landscaping scattered throughout the city. The group planted 79 trees this year and distributed more than a ton of food from its food garden.
When asked to be the Grand Marshal, Pivinski was insistent that the many members and volunteers of the ESTC be recognized as well. The group, which has about 80 volunteers, will be recognized with a special float in the parade.
“Our volunteers are so important. Without them, nothing would get done. They come twice a week seasonally and work on all of our gardens. Hot or cold weather they are always there and without them none of this would be possible,” Pivinski said. He said the city’s Public Works Department also works closely with the ESTC.
“We have an amazing and generous population in Asbury Park and it’s the only way we could survive.”
“But I’m Polish- not Irish,” Pivinski joked. “Everything about St. Patrick’s Day is great and we do what we can to keep the city green and feel glad about doing it.”
Pivinski was a Catholic priest, who assists at Trinity Episcopal church in Asbury Park, Pivinski and his then partner, Malcolm Navias, moved to Asbury Park in 1999. The couple was married in 2013.
Two fundraisers are still planned to help offset costs for the parade. The annual Green Dragon Buffet will be held at Taka’s, 660 Cookman Avenue, on Feb. 2 from 11am to 2 pm. Tickets are $25, which includes a free drink.
On Feb. 16, the annual ShamRock N Roll will be held at the Wonder Bar, Fifth and Ocean avenues, from 2 to 8 pm. Admission is $20.
https://asburyparkstpatricksparade.com For more information or to volunteer for the parade go to www.asburyparkstpatricksparade.com.
Giberson said he hopes people turn out for the parade. “I hope there is good weather and that people come to a good, family-oriented event for the community,” he said.
The parade begins at 1 p.m. at Fourth and Ocean avenues, proceeds south to Cookman Avenue, and then heads west through the downtown to Main Street. Johnny Mac House of Spirits is the presenting sponsor and the official headquarters for the parade.